The Initial Stop
Law enforcement officers in Naples, FL, must have a valid reason, known as "reasonable suspicion," to stop a vehicle. This could be due to a traffic violation, erratic driving, or any behavior suggesting impairment. Once stopped, drivers have certain rights, as well as obligations, under Florida law.

Your Rights During a DUI Stop

  1. Right to Remain Silent: After providing your name, driver's license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance, you have the right to remain silent. Politely inform the officer that you choose not to answer further questions without an attorney present.
  2. Right to Refuse Field Sobriety Exercises: You may decline to participate in field sobriety tests, which could include tasks like walking in a straight line or standing on one leg. These tests are subjective and can be influenced by various factors unrelated to alcohol consumption.
  3. Right to Refuse a Portable Breathalyzer Test: In Florida, you can refuse to take a preliminary breath test at the scene. However, it's crucial to understand the implications of refusal, as this can lead to arrest and potential license suspension.
  4. Implied Consent and Chemical Testing: Florida's implied consent law requires you to submit to a chemical test (breath, blood, or urine) if lawfully arrested for DUI. Refusal to comply after an arrest can result in immediate license suspension and other penalties.

Consequences of Refusal
Refusing a chemical test post-arrest carries consequences, including a one-year license suspension for the first refusal and an 18-month suspension for subsequent refusals. Additionally, refusal can be used as evidence against you in court.

The Importance of Legal Representation

The complexities of DUI laws in Florida are the reason you need experienced legal counsel. A knowledgeable DUI attorney can offer:

  1. Guidance on Rights: An attorney can explain your rights and the best course of action during and after a DUI stop.
  2. Defense Strategies: Depending on the specifics of your case, there may be defenses available, such as challenging the legality of the stop or the accuracy of the chemical tests.
  3. Negotiation and Representation: Skilled lawyers can negotiate with prosecutors and represent you in court, aiming to reduce charges or penalties.

Law by Bazaz: Advocates for Your Rights
Sal Bazaz and the team at Law by Bazaz specialize in DUI defense in Naples, FL, and the broader Southwest Florida area. With an in-depth understanding of DUI laws and a commitment to client advocacy, Bazaz offers the legal expertise necessary to face the challenges of DUI charges, safeguarding your rights and striving for the most favorable outcomes.