The first step in the divorce process begins with one party filing a divorce petition with the family court. The other party must then be served with this petition and respond within a designated time frame. From there, the parties have the opportunity to work together to reach an agreement. If they are unable to reach an agreement on their own, they may need to engage lawyers who can advocate for each of their legal interests.

The following are practical ways to protect yourself and your interests during separation and divorce:

1. Gather Your Financial Documents. Gathering and organizing your financial documents is an important preparatory measure when deciding whether or not to hire separate lawyers in any legal matter. Having all your financial info clearly structured and itemized allows you to have a complete view of your assets which helps lawyers make an informed decision. This information includes all loans, credit cards, bank accounts, investments, real estate, and any other valuable assets you may have. Knowing the full scope of your wealth puts you in a much better position to make a decision regarding your legal representation.

2. Make a List of Your Debts. Making a list of all your debts is a necessary and prudent step for anyone wanting to get a handle on their financial situation. All debts need to be accounted for in order to properly assess where one stands financially. This list should include detailed information on each debt, such as the type of debt (credit cards, student loans, mortgages, etc), the amount of the debt, the date of the debt and the interest rate. Additionally, any other details specific to the debt such as who the lender is should be included. By compiling a thorough and detailed list of debts, one can have a better understanding of how their finances are structured, and develop a plan to more effectively handle the debt they’ve incurred.

3. Set Boundaries. Setting boundaries in a relationship is essential to foster a healthy environment. During the early stages of divorce, it is important to be aware of your and your partner's needs and to communicate and discuss the associated issues in an attempt to form a resolution. If a partner is not in agreement on a particular issue, setting boundaries to avoid confrontation and communication breakdown is key. Establishing a mutual understanding of expectations and desires is the best way to stay on the same page and strengthen the relationship during this time.

4. Examine Prior Agreements. Before proceeding with any divorce proceedings, it is important to review any existing financial or legal arrangements previously made between the parties. Taking the time to review these agreements before the divorce will ensure that any divisions of assets and liabilities will be honored and documented correctly in the divorce proceedings, resulting in a more efficient and financially sound divorce.

5. Take the Necessary Steps. Successfully navigating a divorce process takes a lot of determination and grit, especially without the necessary steps in place. Understanding the legal process and knowing what to expect in regards to paperwork, filing fees, court proceedings, and any other steps can create a sense of security and make the journey smoother. Counseling is also a great resource to find additional emotional support and to help manage challenging situations. Knowing what to expect and taking the necessary steps can greatly reduce stress and give you the best chance to successfully move forward.

Ultimately, it is up to you as the individual to determine whether or not it is necessary to have a separate legal representative for divorce proceedings. If you are able to successfully negotiate an agreement with your partner, it may not be necessary for each of you to hire a lawyer. However, each person should be cognizant of their legal rights and obligations and consult with an independent attorney before reaching any agreement. Organizing your financial documents, making a list of your debts, setting clear boundaries, and examining prior agreements can all be helpful steps to protect yourself and your interests during separation and divorce. By understanding and familiarizing yourself with the divorce process, you may be able to make an educated decision as to whether or not you need separate lawyers for divorce.